University of Windsor Research Impact Report 2021-2022
At the University of Windsor, we believe that research should respond to today’s needs, whether they are local, national, or global.
Research impact is more than just publishing papers: research, scholarship and creative activity must make a difference to people and communities. This means responding to the real issues that people are facing and making the results available to those who can put them to work.
"Nearly 60% of University of Windsor faculty hold at least one research grant."
Research funding is critical to both creating research results and translating those results in concrete ways that impact people’s everyday lives. More than half of University of Windsor’s research funding comes from the Government of Canada, which funds many kinds of research through its granting agencies. Researchers also receive funds from the Province of Ontario, industry and business partners, community organizations and charitable foundations. The University also provides internal funding to many research projects. Nearly 60% of University of Windsor faculty hold at least one research grant, and many more are undertaking non-funded research projects.
The 2021-2022 year in research and creative activity continued to be enormously impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, as students and researchers navigated lockdowns, variants, and a gradual return to campus., but as lab and field work resumed, it was also incredibly productive with exciting new projects launched and major milestones reached in established research programs. Explore this report to understand more about the research and creative activity that’s going on at University of Windsor!