The whole-community challenge of COVID-19 continues: the University is a key partner in leading and supporting a regional response.
COVID on Campus
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. By March 19, the University began the transition of all Winter 2020 courses to online formats and launched a far-reaching, ongoing effort to respond to this emergency.

University of Windsor Chemist Partners with Industry
Partnerships at all levels have been the hallmark of the University of Windsor’s response to community need during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ingenuity of chemistry professor John Trant and his research team are a prime example.
Caring for the Caregivers
Local hospital workers on the frontlines of the pandemic could look to the University of Windsor for emotional support during the most trying days of the pandemic, thanks to a program offered through the University’s Psychological Services and Research Centre.

'Our duty to society'
Putting ingenuity and expertise to good use during the early days of the pandemic is what Engineering professor Jill Urbanic called, “our duty to society.”

New Research Applications
Pivoting research to address the immediate concerns of COVID-19 over the past year has taken University of Windsor research in some extraordinary directions.
Nursing professor running COVID field hospital in New York City
When University of Windsor nursing professor Kate Kemplin was asked to direct a field hospital for COVID-19 patients in New York City, she answered the call.

Municipal Resiliency in Pandemics
The global pandemic has created humanitarian crises in terms of loss of human life, long-term health impacts, and socio-economic upheaval. However, the severity of such impacts varies widely by country, by region, and even city by city.
Working for Change
On the path: the University's efforts to create increasingly inclusive, safe, welcoming, and sustainable environments.