Innovation For a Healthier Community
The healthcare landscape of our community has changed much in recent years, but University of Windsor researchers are constantly rising to the challenge. Health research done at University of Windsor has a direct and urgent impact on our campus community, our region, and the entire health landscape.
The WE-SPARK Health Institute burst onto the University of Windsor research scene in 2020 and in its short life it has already made a significant impact in coordinating regional health research. WE-SPARK creates a hub for health research in Windsor and beyond that links the University with St. Clair College, Windsor Regional Hospital, Hotel Dieu Grace Health Care, municipal governments, and community organizations, under the leadership of Executive Director Dr. Lisa Porter. In 2021-2022, WE-SPARK awarded 14 grants to local researchers through competitions adjudicated by experts from across Canada. Several of these grants were co-funded by the Office of the Vice President, Research and Innovation and the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation.
MWE-SPARK Igniting Discovery grants awarded